Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ayurvedic Treatment Terminology

1. Pizhichil – It is one among the rare and special treatments of Kerala. In this treatment, lukewarm herbal oils are applied all over the body by two to four trained therapists in a special rhythmic way continuously for about 60 to 90 minutes per day for a period of 7 to 21 days. This treatment is done in a special table made from a single piece of Strychnos Nuxvomica wood. This treatment is very useful for Rheumatic diseases like arthritis, paralysis, hemiplegia, paralysis – agitanus, sexual weakness, nervous weakness and nervous disorders etc.

2. Njavarakizhi – It is a type of sudation process in which the whole body or any specific part there of is made to perspire by the application of certain medicinal puddings externally in the form of boluses tied up in muslin bag. Two to four masseurs apply this for about 60 to 90 minutes per day for a period of 14 days. This treatment is for all types of rheumatism, pain in the joints, emaciation of limbs, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and certain kind of skin diseases.

3. Sirodhara – Sira – means Head and Dhara means the continuous flow of a liquid. In this process some herbal oils, medicated milk, medicated butter milk etc, are poured on the forehead in a special method of about 40 minutes in a day for a period of 7 to 21 days. This treatment is mainly for insomnia,

loss of memory, headaches, mental tention and certain skin diseases.

4. Vasthi – Otherwise known as Medicated Enema. Vasthi is a Therapeutic procedure in which certain herbal oils, herbal extracts, etc are applied through the rectum daily for a period of 5 to 25 days. This treatment is effective for arthritis, paralysis, hemiplegia, numbness, gastric complaints, rheumatism and chronic constipation.

5. Sirovasthi – Certain lukewarm herbal oils are poured into a cap fitted on the head and held for 15 to 60 minutes per day according to the patient’s conditions for a period of 07 days. This treatment is highly effective for facial paralysis, dryness of nostrils, mouth and throat, severe headaches and other diseases of the head.

6. Udvarthanam – This treatment is otherwise known as Powder Massage. This is found very effective in the obesity, hemiplegia, paralysis, skin diseases, impaired circulation etc and similar diseases. In this procedure 2 therapists apply certain special Herbal Powders in a peculiar way on the body for about 30 to 40 minutes daily for a period of 14 to 28 days.

7. Abhyangam – This is a special type of oil massage in which strokes arte given according to the circulatory channels for 45 minutes per day for 14 days. This treatment is very useful for obesity, loss of skin luster, sleeplessness and fatigue.

8. Nasyam – Being one among the Panchakarma procedures, Nasyam is a treatment in which herbal juices, medicated oils etc, are applied through nose for 7 to 14 days. This treatment is highly effective for certain kinds of headaches, paralysis mental disorders, some types of skin diseases etc.

9. Kizhi – Herbal leaves or powders are made in boluses and are applied on the whole body or a part specified after dipping it in warm medicated oils. This is done for 45 minutes daily for a period of 07 to 14 days. This is very effective for osteo arthritis, spondylosis, sports injuries etc.

10. Sandhi Vatha Chikilsa – Unlike the modern medicine Ayurveda has very effective cures for Arthritic conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, gout, osteo arthritis, ankylosing spondylosis, cervical spondylosis, osteo porosis etc. This programme includes massage, lepanam, and oil application on affected parts, kizhi, steam bath, snehavasthy, kakshaya vasthy, pizhichil, njavarakizhi, snehapanam and internal medicines.

11.Snehapanam - This word literally means oral intake of medicated oils or ghee preparations. This is done as a therapeutic procedure and also as a preparatory process during the body purification therapy. In this treatement medicated ghee or oils are given internally in proportionally increasing quantity for a period of 08 - 12 days. This treatment is very effective for osteo arthritis, psoriasis chronic constipation, haemorrhoids etc,.

12.Dahanyamla Dhara - Warm herbal liquid is poured all over the body in rhythmic way using a special vessel. This is done for 45 minutes to 01 hour daily. this treatment is very effective for hemiplegia, paralysis.

13.Yoniprakshalanam - Herbal oil and decoction are applied through the vaginal root, this treatment is good for gynecological disorders. It is also a purification process for genital organ.

14.Kativasthi - In this process specially prepared warm medicated oil is kept over the lower back with herbal paste boundary. This treatment lasts for 45 minutes to 01 hour and it is good for any type of back pain and spinal disorders.

15.Urovasthi - Like Kativasthi warm medicated oil is kept over the chest for 45 minutes. This is an effective treatment for Asthma, other respiratory problem, heart diseases and muscular chest pain.

16. Ksheeradhoomam - This is a special procedure in which a mixture for medicinal decoction and cows milk is heated and the steam thus liberated is passed to a tube and applied over the affected area or whole body. This is found very effective for facial palsies, speech disorders, ptosis and various nervous disorders.

17.Thalam - Special powder mixed with medicated oil is applied on the top of the head for 20 to 45 minutes. This treatment is helpful for curing ENT problems, insomnia, migraine etc.

18. Lepanam - This is a process in which medicated herbal paste is applied on the affected part, this is useful for various types of inflammatory conditions, skin diseases, arthritis, gout, etc.

19. Thalapothichil - Various medicinal herbs selected according to dosha predominance is made into a paste and applied to the scalp for 30 to 45 minutes. This treatment is good for insomnia, premature, greying and other problems to the hair and scalp.

20. Swasa Kasa Chikilsa - Respiratory diseases like bronchill asthma, prolonged cough, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis etc, can be very effectively treated in Ayurveda. This program includes body massage, urovasti, pizhichil, podikizhi, snehavashti, kashaya vasthy, nasyam and internal Ayurvedic medicines.

21 Sukhanidra - Ayurveda , the knowledge of the life is not only related with the body, but with the mind and soul also, this particular treatment program is very much helpful for conditions like insomnia (lack of sleep), anxiety and it improves immunity and self confidence. This treatment program includes body massages, shirovasthy, ksheeradhara, thailadhara, thalam, thalapothichil and internal Ayurvedic medicines , yoga and meditation.

22. Psoriasis Treatment Program ( Sidhma Chikilsa)- Ayurveda forms very effective treatment for all type of psoriasis and various other skin diseases. This special Ayurvedic treatment program last for 21 to 28 days. This program includes special lepanam, abhyangan, snehapanam, pizhichil, medicated steam bath, shirovasty, exclusievely prepared internal herbal medicines along with yoga meditation because, Ayurveda emphasis that most diseases are psychosomatic.

Yoga the science of man, based on ancient Indian wisdom and culture, is an art of living a healthy, balance, peaceful and contended life. Yoga, being a total integrated system, studies in man in wholeness - Body, mind and spirit and is integrated to certain principles, ideas, values. attitudes and a way of life for personal and social benefits. Conceived by the great sages in their quest for self - realisation, it has come to be recognized during its long travels from the hermitage to the cities, as the science of man, philosophy of life, a code of conduct and attitude and on approach, as well as on art of living, which is capable not only of ensuring physical well - being, mental peace, harmony, moral elevation but also the spiritual uplifts of man. It must however be kept in mind that is a long and arduous journey calling for preservance, persistence, dedication and total surrender. There is no Instant Yoga. It is not a question of mere closing one's eyes or of sitting in a posture. it involves cultivation of an attitude and approach to life. It must not only be a philosophy to be imbibed but a practical philosophy to be lived. It is therefore, not enough to think of Yoga but to do it and to live in our lives. It also necessary to understand that Yoga is not a substitute for action. Human effort is indispensable. The transformation is not at the cost of action but to enable us to perform our duties more efficiently, more effectively and honestly.

Yoga had recognised and accepted the importance of the mind and the subconscious over the total human personality much earlier than modern psychology did in its present form. Yoga is step wise, stage wise eight fold path to final liberation from pain and suffering. These steps progressively take us to the highest state of creativity, of discriminative knowledge and toward attaining the desired perfection.

The Eight Steps are:

YAMA- Conditional yoga behaviour, personal and social

NIYAMA - Attitude sublimate to yoga norms

ASANA - Discipline of the physical body

PRANAYAMA - Control over bio energy through respiratory action

PRATHYAHARA - Withdrawal of the senses inwards though abstraction

DHARANA - Concentration

DHYANA - Meditation

SAMADI - Transconsciousness

Yoga is based on a deep understanding of man and his position in this world and was the first system evolved in the world to recognise the connection and interaction between body and mind. It studies in depth the very structure of the human personality, through analysis of the psychological complexities and the course of human pain, sorrow and suffering. It has laid down psychosomatic means through its variuos psycho-physiological process for dealing with the Body-Mind complex and tries to harmonise and integrate the human personality of all levels and stages of life.

Yoga is basically a way of life which has been evolved as a system to go beyond the personality complex and achieve absolute freedom-liberation of the spirit from the matter.


The heaven for those who come from afar, to experience our land. You can call it even a holiday lagoon, if you insist. That was the beginning of a spell of meticulous planning. A new face to our village; and the sweetness of hospitality for those who arrives here from distant lands. You are finally at the threshold of a new experience, with Ashtamudi Resorts, as your base camp. You will feel the uniqueness once you step – in the resort. The resort wish to share with you our life, our culture, our Kerala and our home. You are our very special guests and we your hosts; nay, you our royal guests. Facilities for the accommodation, food, recreation, amusement, physical and mental relaxation of those who come to experience my land …………. A small domain in three – and – a half acres; a private empire to the visitor. A royal life in the tradition of our own loyalty. The Kings Place is a castle of 1278 Sq.Ft. with all amenities including a garden, a boat landing, guards and escorts. Like a Maharaja used to have in bygone days, the guests will have his/her own cook, guard, the palace physician (Ayurvedic) and Astrologer. Ayurvedic Rejuvenation, herbal concoctions like the “lehyam”……………

The palace astrologer peeps into the future, casting cowry shells. Of all systems of astrology practiced in India, the Keralites Stellar Astrology is the most accurate and scientific. Mastering the palm – leaf texts thousands of years old and handed down from the generation to generation – astrologers practice their vocation, making accurate predictions, to the dismay of modern man.

In our Tharavaadu (family) house (a 75 year old traditional Kerala Home) we are operating the reception, management office, a library and a meditation center. Meditation in the yogic tradition is the best way to keep your mind free of all unwanted thoughts and stresses. Ayurveda is India’s “Science of Life” in which a holistic system of treating the whole body, for illness, apparently in anyone part of it, is practiced. Physical and mental healths are viewed as two parts of the whole treatments prescribed accordingly. Of the various Ayurvedic body and mind toning treatments, the Panchakarma techniques are the most effective. Aspects like “Purgation” and “Rejuvenation” are attended to through different Panchakarma techniques. We have a full fledged rejuvenation island which offers the “Science of Life”

There is an open restaurant with ethnic Kerala cuisine, strictly on the lines of principles of hospitality of typical Kerala Home. Mother is cooking. The guests are Mothers own children. Whenever they feel like it the guests can have tender coconuts plucked from the trees around, and enjoy a refreshing drink. When they feel hungry, they can themselves catch fish using Chinese fishing nets and cook it then and there. The Chef of the restaurant will offer optional menu to the choice of the guest, but we do not offer a “menu card”.

To the east of the resort is the Chinese fishing net, a water bed restaurant; adjacent to these there are thirty “Chalets” all of them over looking the Ashtamudi Lake. In the construction of the Kings Place as well as the Chalets purely traditional architecture is employed, including the use of the tharayodu (Terra –cotta floor – tiles), roof tiles wood work with traditional carvings etc…We have followed only eco –friendly methods of construction, using the materials we could find around and not in the least straining the earth.

There are enough numbers of speed boats and house boats to ensure the easy movement of the guests. The guests can either glide on the waters surface on speed boat, or strolling along the bylanes of the resort. A jogging track is laid on the water front of 200 meters. In the neighborhood, there is a 100 years old church, centaury old temple; the largest fishing harbour, sunset beach, ruins of Dutch cemetery and many more exciting spots are available for a change.

All the year around, numerous festivals light up life in our land, religious festivals, festival celebrating the cycle of seasons, myths, legends and the like. The festivals which are an extention and expression of those beliefs are a part of the rural culture. The magnitude of the festival tides over the minimal scope of the village life; such festivals that open up the minds of the people are a part of daily life. There are almost ten such colorful festivals a year, like Onam and thiruvathira; Kerala’s cultural main stream has always accommodated folk and classical art side by side. Even though high modern in out look and life style, the people of Kerala zealously guard their cultural wealth and Heritage. So do the people of our village Again you are not outsiders, or tourists, you are welcome to a part of our village community on festival occasions – like the scions of the same tharavad.


The twenty spacious rooms in five chalets are all built in aesthetic traditional and eco – friendly methods. They are comfortable, with separate toilet and shower room in the western style. Two big suites are in the Queens Cottages. On special request you can book the exclusive Kings Palace. All rooms are furnished with fan and low noise air conditioning. From every room you have a beautiful view over garden lake. The resort has its own arrangement for power and water supply. In the construction of the buildings natural and traditional materials of Kerala have been used.

A traditional family – house of Kerala called the Tharawad has been recreated carefully. It is originally, 75 years old. It serves as the reception cum management office and also has a lobby with T.V.Room and library.


The restaurant is built in an imaginative manner on the shore of the Ashtamudi Lake, providing a marvelous view. The well equipped kitchen is located in the separate building. There the cooks prepare culinary specialities according to the guest’s wishes. The main food will be of the ethnic Kerala origin. The wide variety of preparations both Vegetarian and non vegetarian will please the gourmet. There is a big choice of other Indian, Chinese and Continental specialities. An exceptional titbit is fish freshly caught from the lake. There are specially trained cooks to prepare tasty food to medicinal Ayurvedic stipulations.

Ayurveda, Yoga and Meditation

Real relaxation is possible only with a free disengaged mind. Combating stress is possible through the time tested methods of Yoga, meditation and Ayurvedic treatments. Ayurveda is India’s science of life. It believes that physical and mental health go together.

The Ayurveda complex of the Ashtamudi Resort is located on a separate ground by the side of the lodging in the traditional Kerala style. Around the courtyard are the treatment rooms, steam bath, and consultation room of the ayurvedic physician, Information room and room for preparation of the medicated oils and herbs as well as sanitary rooms.

After a detailed consultation the Ayurvedic physician prescribes individual treatment. The regimen includes Ayurvedic medication as well as recommendation for Ayurvedic food and medicine preparations. There are trained staff to carry out the Physician’s treatment. The packages of therapy are classified according to the purpose they achieve.

Yoga and Meditation

Ayurveda attaches great importance to Yoga and the Yogic practices of specialized exercises and meditation. Even in the planning phase of the Ashtamudi Resorts the owners had decided to build separate premises for Yoga and Meditation. Thus the yoga hall was erected, high above the Ayurvedic center. In between is the unique, built – into – rock meditation cave. In this cave room, where the day light comes only through a small gap in the ceiling, the atmosphere is tranquil, silent. Better conditions for rewarding meditation sessions may not be found. Ashtamudi Resort offers introductory sessions into Yoga and Meditation concentrating on the Therapeutic effect on human body and mind. These are given by a special Yoga teacher in capsules or packages.

Ayurveda Preventive Health Care Packages.

07 Nights/ 08 Days in Standard Room = 710 USD Per Person

14 Nights/ 15 Days in Standard Room = 1185 USD Per Person

The above Packages are inclusive of treatment, medicines, Ayurveda meals and accommodation


You can reach the Ashtamudi Resort from Kollam (Quilon) by car within 30 minutes or by speed boat within 10 minutes. From the Trivandrum International airport it is two and a half hours distant by car; from Cochin 03 hours. Another possibility is to Travel at leisure from Alleppey by ordinary cruising boat or by house boat.

Astrology Services offered by Stellar Astrology'


Astrology is a pure science. This is based on the power of Sun and other planets. Each individual has his own ability to absorb power of planets. Ability for absorbing power of planets depends on the planetary positions available at the time of birth. The planetary positions based on the place of birth of an individual will have variations. This is to be precisely found out by means of calculations. The method of calculation followed in India by some of the astrologers are called Nirayana otherwise called Stellar. This is incorrect in various astronomical factors. On 21st of March, Sun will be above the North Pole and day and night become equal. This phenomenon is described as Vishu. But according to the Stellar calculations, this day is observed on April 14th and hence the actual day of Vishu goes unobserved. This erroneous calculation leads to the continuous observation of all important and auspicious dates wrong when the planetary strength cannot be ascertained properly when Stellar principles are followed. Astrology is a pure science and hence imaginary position of planets will not be sufficient in making predictions based on planetary strength


Numerology is based on the number assigned to each alphabet and that is more utilized when the name of an organization or product is to be decided. The total value of the alphabets of the name are to tally with date of birth of the individual


Even though people refer to the stones as Lucky Stones, actually it is a stone which provides the power of the planet to the body and ultimately provides luck. Lucky Stones are based on the requirement of the planetary strength. The requirement of the planetary strength is decided by stone. Various factors like age, sex, work, health, etc.,are considered. Once a decision is taken regarding the stone to be used, the stone has to be tested by tying in a piece of cloth on the body for a minimum period of four days and thereafter ring is to be made and to be worn on the particular finger. For each stone, different fingers are prescribed. Once the stone is put on as a ring, result will be evident within 30 days of time. If in case the result is not forthcoming, the seller should take back the stone and provide him with another stone or refund the money. Only on this condition, the stone should be purchased and worn, otherwise, the stone will not be suitable to him and will be a wastage of money.

Different people have different faith in Gods while stones actually provide the power of the planets directly to the body and faith has no separate fact on it. Divine power is nothing else but the power of the planets and hence I say that “ GEM STONE - IS GOD IN A CAPSULE”


In India, everything is brought under the influence of God. So Vaasthu also has been provided a seat like that. Earth is moving at about a speed of 1,120 miles per minute and spinning at a speed of 1degree per 4 minute . The massive energy formed due to the friction is unimaginable. Such an energy can be positive or negative. When a building is constructed on earth, which moves like this. naturally, the friction in the building will be more and the energy produced can be positive or negative. Making the energy positive is the principle behind the theory of Vaasthu. In olden days, buildings were constructed with low roof and even the main doors were 4 or 41/2 feet high. The roof level inside a room may be a maximum of 7 feet. Different types of measurements had been made based on that type of building. The same principle cannot be implemented now because now the buildings have 10 or more feet of height and the doors are about 7 feet height. In the old buildings certain measurements had been prescribed as death trap. Those principles are not effective in the new set up.

In the case of buildings which are not for residing purposes, a procedure is prescribed to find out in which direction the building should face. This is called as Birth Star of the property. This is wrongly interpreted and especially the real estate agents make people to understand that for their janma nakshatra (birth star), certain properties which are south facing, etc., are very much suitable. If a particular plot is suitable to a particular person only, naturally doubt arises as to whether his family members can stay in that building. Because they have different birth stars. Similarly, when a person wants to sell that house or his family members acquire or inherit that property after his death, normally they will not be able to stay there because it is not suitable to their birth star. Actually, it is the birth star of the property and not of the individual which matters. These too is not for houses, but for buildings like shopping complex, cinema theatres, party halls, etc.,.


Reiki is a way of transferring the universal energy for various types of curing of illness, improving luck, etc.,


This is a Greek System of astrology. It is generally called as “ THE MYTHIC TAROT”. There are different pictures on different cards and each picture has its own story and meaning. Based on the cards picked up, predictions are made. This is another from of Card reading which are done by local people using parrot.


This is the way to find out and prescribe remedies for illness based on the horoscope